Esztergom, Hungary takes about an hour to get to by car from Budapest, and by boat it takes all afternoon on the Duna (Danube River.) This used to be the capital of Hungary, so it has very nice buldings, and is on a scenic bend in the river.
The bridge below would take you over to the Slovak Republic.

I'm not sure this is a church (above, or below for that matter,) but they are interesting buildings nonetheless.

The "above" picture is the old seminary, (now home of a college, libraries and such)
The "below" picture is the primates' palace, the official residence of the Hungarian cardinal-primate, also home of a library and the Christian Museum
Thanks for the information!
I have only been to Esztergom once when my art history professor took me there to a small museum and that was about 10 years ago. This time I just cruised by on the boat.
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